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Become a Member

Why Join Mobilates?

Feel Stronger than Yesterday

We strongly believe that movement is medicine for the mind and body.


Join us for fun, accessible movement and Pilates 

for people living with chronic health conditions, persistent pain, fatigue and mobility issues


All Mobilates classes, whether in person or online are kept small to keep you safe.


You will always be encouraged to listen to your body, rest when you need and

choose the moves you feel up to doing that day.


We have seated class options for those who don't feel up to getting down to the floor or standing for long periods.  Online classes can even be taken from your bed!


Our online classes are live and interactive.

You won't be muted and we have big screens so we can see you clearly!

Members make the classes their own, with their own adaptations,

choosing how hard they want to work that day. 


Feeling a bit unsure?

A note from our Leanne, Founder of Mobilates:


I know from my own experience how tough it is to start moving and join something new.


I have been there, many a time. I'm glad I persisted as I eventually found Pilates and found a way to reduce my pain and get my mobility back.


However, it wasn't easy. Joining a mainstream Pilates class, even at beginner level, was painful and I admit there were many tears. I remember one instructor was so scared of me being in her class, unfortunately, that was where I dislocated my shoulder!


I want to reassure you that we are not scared of you and your limitations and needs for adaptations. Mobilates teachers have lived experience of chronic illnesses and pain. We have taken on additional training and we create classes that are carefully planned to take into account all of the needs of each attendee.

Our Members

Mobilates has so many incredible members and we thought you might like to know what conditions we work with to show you that we CAN help and you WILL feel better with some very gentle Mobilates love and attention:

  • EDS and HSD

  • ME/CFS

  • MS

  • Cancer

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Long Covid

  • Cancer

  • Arthritis

  • Unexplained persistent pain

  • Anxiety and depression


We are not limited to these conditions, this is to give you an idea of what our members are dealing with so you know you are in good company.

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